¿Cómo pueden ayudar los análisis visuales al análisis investigativo? Implicaciones de diseño a partir de una evaluación.
How can Visual Analytics Assist Investigative Analysis? Design Implications from an Evaluation Disponible en: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5482577 There are many important aspects in this article. Firstly, to know about visual analytics assist, then, to know how they can help us as researchers. Secondly, to understand that you begin an investigation with some objectives or purpose but it can guide you to another road that you didn't think. Thirdly, it is important to obtain quantitative and qualitative data in order to have a complete view of the reality. Finally, Jigzaw is a useful tool. This investigation opens my mind about what I can use in order to analyze data using technology. There are a lot of useful information in English therefore it is import to read, understand, write and speak the universal language. A continuación la traducción al Español de este documento que se encuentra en inglés. ¿Cómo pueden ayudar los análisis visuales al análisis inv...